Standardize the integrations layout
Steven Richardson
Email has two separate options.
-Email (Incident Reports)
-Email (Escalations)
Autotask has one option, and it's unclear what it does. Incident reports? Escalations? Both? (This is why I've marked this idea as important)
We need more flexibility with the Autotask integration but ideally consistency in how things are displayed in the UI as well.
Either there should be a top level menu for email, and then a sub configuration for the incident and escalation options
there should be several separate integration options for Autotask
-Autotask (Incident Reports)
-Autotask (Mapping)
-Autotask (Billing EDR)
-Autotask (Billing ITDR)
-Autotask (Billing SAT)
(Some of those Autotask options don't exist yet but I want them to exist so I've added them in the example)