Control over frequency of managed learning and phishing
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
yearly due date
Ronnie Tirella
This goes along with dynamic training but would be nice if trainings could say they are due "yearly" when set to dynamic.
Andrew Tryon
This is one of our top customer asks.
Micah Trudell
So much yes! Need this.
Sebastian Rodriguez
Yes! We would like to see this as well.
Adam Burke
This seems like a logical and straightforward decision to me.
Admin Fautt
Agreed. We have clients that will not/do not accept this cadence. Please allow for more granular control.
Eric Spinney
I agree with this, many of our clients will not want to spend billable time doing this every month, but they know they will need to do it. With our current solution we do phishing every 6 months and training annually, it would be nice to just be able to choose whatever interval they would like.
Marco'la Cremin'la
More control and more options for customization would be great to have. Agree 100%.
Michael Basile
This would be a big help for our clients. Please give us more flexibility.
Eric Pytanowski
We need more control over the managed learning and managed phishing, because some customers don't want this Monthly, but then it makes it more difficult to manage rather than set and forget.
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