Notifications to Manager for Compromised Learner
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
This is now live. Please navigate to settings -> phishing. A KB article will be posted shortly.
Jason Lang
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress] Thanks Dima! If we dont see that on our account yet, do we need to wait for it to update?
Tyler Kautz
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress] - Request to OPT in.
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Tyler Kautz Enabled! You will see it under settings -> phishing. Note that the second option to remind managers with recovery obligation is not yet working.
Please let me know if it's working as expected once you have enabled it.
Tyler Kautz
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress] Thanks! I found it, but I think you made a typo above. I found it under Settings > Phishing > Manager Notifications
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Tyler Kautz oh no! Thank you for catching this. I ust edited my comment to the correct destination in case others are looking.
Tyler Kautz
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress] - Feature seems to be working from what I can tell. However, it would be nice to clean up the wording/spacing on the notification.
Current Message: Your direct report John experienced simulated compromise with the scenario Generic: Sharepoint Document Share.
Request Message: Your direct report John Doe ( experienced simulated compromise with the following scenario: "Generic: Sharepoint Document Share."
Alex Caudill
I would like to opt in.
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Alex Caudill I've enabled it on your account. You will see it under settings -> phishing. Note that the second option to remind managers with recovery obligation is not yet working.
Note that if you want to pull managers from G Suite, you'll need to set up a new-style integration under settings -> Providers.
Please let me know what you think!
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Manager notifications for compromise is now ready to beta. Notifications go out 10 minutes post compromise to give learners a generous allowance for finishing Phishing Defense Coaching. After 10 minutes have gone by, the notification will notify the manager of the scenario and whether Phishing Defense Coaching has been completed.
Please email me or comment on this post if you'd like to opt in.
Note that you will you will need to make sure we have the manager email addresses following the instructions here
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Merged in a post:
Phishing Failed Email Notification
Les McNair
Allow the option to send emails to all admins when a user has clicked a link in one of the phishing campaign emails. Currently the only user that receives an email is the admin that created the phishing campaign.
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
This is being developed as a notification to managers - however, you can put admins in as manager
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
Merged in a post:
Notifications when someone fails a phishing test
Bob Abrams
Notify manager when one of their employees has clicked into the phishing email and how far they progressed, ie. compromised.
Dima Kumets [Product Manager - Huntress]
in progress
This now being worked on by engineering.
Tyler Kautz
Looking for this exact feature
Dylan Slabach
I like it!
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