Reporting for Devices sending Syslog
Chris Bisnett
You can now filter the data sources table to show all Syslog data sources and can see how much data they have ingested in the last 30 days as well as how much has been ingested across the lifetime of the data source. Hopefully this helps you better understand what data sources you have and how much data they are generating.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please let us know.
Steven Richardson
Some form of alerting out to email or PSA would be good when an anomaly/lack of logs arriving is detected.
Chris Bisnett
in progress
Chris Bisnett
Some of this functionality exists today in the dashboards and other parts we're working on. For example, you can see how much data each data source has ingested all time as well as in the current billing period. We're going to add some additional views to allow you do drill down to each data source and see when and how much data has been collected as well as the type of data that has been filtered through Smart Filtering, and the logs specific to that data source.
This is something we're working on now and should be completed before the end of the year.